Like many companies, Receivership Specialists is built around customer service and customer satisfaction. These two key ingredients are the reasons Receivership Specialists has become the premier Court Receiver and Court Partition Referee in the southwest with offices in San Francisco, California; Sacramento, California; Ventura / Santa Barbara, California; Los Angeles, California; Irvine, California; San Diego, California; Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Reno, Nevada.
The professionals at Receivership Specialists, your court receiver and court partition referee in San Francisco, California, have the experience you need to achieve the results you desire.
Receivership Specialists is committed to protecting the value of your real estate and businesses, at the lowest cost, while disputes are resolved and justice is served. This commitment ensures that our court receivers and court partition referees always perform to the very best of their abilities and with the parties’ best interest in mind.
The fact that you are reading our web site let’s us know that you may be looking for some help protecting your assets or real property. Let us offer you the assurance that we are here for you. We are here to help in any way we can.